The future of travel examined
Hospitality, Small Business, beaches-vendee, covid-19-france-2021, eco-conscious-travel, future-of-travel-2021, future-travel-corona-virus, group-travel, multi-generational-travel, quiet-beaches-in-france, regenerative-travel, remote-work-travel, revenge-travel, small-business-france, travel-in-2021, travel-to-france-2021, travel-trends-2021, Vendee-small-business, will-we-be-allowed-to-travel-2021, will-we-be-allowed-to-travel-to-france-in-2021, Working-from-Home-travelFor the third spring in a row we have scoured the Internet, travel magazines, world news and statistics to bring you a summary of the expected travel trends. In 2021 it's certainly not travel bloggers and influencers or sector...
Simple tips to boost online visibility and direct bookings
Hospitality, Small Business, book-direct-strategy, com-rank-above-my-website, common-mistakes-on-websites, EASY WAYS TO BOOST THE VISIBILITY OF YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA PROFILES, facebook-practices, hospitality-and-travel-business-vendee, how-can-I-fix-my-website-to-perform-better-online, how-can-I-make-my-business-rank-higher-in-my-area, how-can-I-rank-higher-than-online-travel-agencies, how-can-my-business-compete-better, how-do-I-get-more-online-visibility, how-to-rank-higher-in-google, Make Your Social Media Icons Easily Visible on Your Site, online-travel-agent-OTA, OTA, ranking-higher-in-google, small-business-france, small-business-vendee, small-business-versus-OTA, social-media-for-business, Vendee-hospitality-business, what-are-good-social-media-practices-for-business, what-is-the-best-book-direct-strategy, why-does-bookingAt inthevendee.com we have been fierce supporters of direct bookings versus OTA (online travel agency) bookings long before it became a movement. It's painful seeing small businesses in our community commit a significant percentage of...
What it means to be a responsible tourist
Hospitality, TOURISM & LEISURE, #girlslovetravel, business-travel-vendee, commuting-and-pollutions, eco-conscious-travel, flight-shaming, girls-love-travel, is-traveling-bad-for-the-environment, modern-travel, regenerative-travel, responsible-travel, the-environment-and-travel, travel-france, travel-marketing-Vendee, travel-to-france-2021, travel-vendee, traveling-responsibly, what-is-being-green, what-is-being-pseudo-green-, what-is-eco-conscious-travel, what-is-regenerative-travel, what-is-sustainability, what-is-sustainable-travelThe concept of tourism is going through a massive shift. The term awareness has entered our bloodstream. Climate change as a global concept has been presented to us for years as an abstract need to heal our home Mother Earth but...
COVID-19 Vendée
LIVING, TOURISM & LEISURE, Vendee News, coronavirus, Covid-19-France, Delta-variant, delta-variant-vendee, epidemic, expats-in-france, fifth-wave-covid-19, Health-news-Vendee, La-Roche-sur-Yon, Laval, Le-Mans, life-in-France, living-vendee, omicron-variant-covid-19, Omicron-variant-Vendee, pays-de-la-loire, travel to france covid-19, travel to France from Canada, travel to France from Portugal, travel to france from south africa, travel-to-france-from-the-US, Vendee, Vendee-Community-news, vendee-expats, Vendee-news, VirusWhile there are no official changes in the status of the rules, the numbers are going up again just slightly due to new variants and increased travel. Do stay vigilant. Wear a mask when in close proximity to others, wash and disinfect...
Sharing Vouvant with the World
Hospitality, TOURISM & LEISURE, business-travel-vendee, camping-vendee, guided-tours-vendee, info-vouvant, Marie Viviès, Marie Viviès tourguide Vouvant, Marie-Viviès-tour-guide-vouvant, Most beautiful village in the Vendée, personal tour guide Vouvant, plus-beaux-villages-de-France, remparts-de-vouvant, sightseeing-vendee, star-village-Vouvant, tour guide in vouvant, tours in Vouvant, tours-vendee, vendee-toursime, vendee-travel, vouvant most beautiful village in France, Vouvant Vendée, vouvant-history, vouvant-info, vouvant-legends, vouvant-plus-beau-village-de-franceI am Marie Vivies. I was born in Fontenay le Comte and I grew up in a rural Vendée village called Antigny. I have always been attracted to the English language, that is why I focused my studies on discovering the working of its...
Moving forward: tips for small-business digital housecleaning during Covid-19
Hospitality, Online Tools, Small Business, business-facebook-page, business-representation-online, english-business-france, english-language-business-vendee, google, google-health, mailing-list. digital-maintenance, marketing-ebook-free, marketing-France, marketing-Vendee, restaurant-marketing, small-business, small-business-france, travel-marketing-Vendee, Vendee-English, Vendee-hospitality-business, vendee-restaurant-bar-marketing, website-maintenanceWe're at the start of tourist season here in the Vendée but in times of uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, when we've all had to scale down our "business as usual" activities or shut them down altogether. Of course, time is a...
Join our Facebook Group for THE BIG GIVEAWAY
TOURISM & LEISURE, chateau-de-la-preuille, FREE-GIFT, FREE-WEEKEND-STAY, giveaway-inthevendee.comYES! We're giving away something magical to one of our readers! In collaboration between inthevendee.com and Chateau de la Preuille we are giving away DRRRUMROLL!! A ROMANTIC WEEKEND STAY AT CHATEAU DE LA PREUILLE !!!! STAY IN THE...
Buying a house in France? How to check Internet speed
LIVING, bandwidth in france, bandwidth in rural france, buying a house in France, Can I get Fibre in France?, Can you get fiber in the country?, fibre optic in france, how do I check internet speed in france, How do I get high speed Internet in France?, how do I know the house I want to buy has adequate internet, How good is Internet in France?, internet speed in France, Internet-countryside-France, Internet-France, internet-service-France, Is 5G available in France?, network-connection-france, network-connection-vendee, The deployment of the FTTH network in France, What is the average Internet speed in France?, What is the fastest internet speed in France?That the Internet in large parts of France is slow, is a well-known fact. Since a law was issued by the French government to bring equal high-speed service throughout the country by the end of 2022, you may have seen evidence of fibre...
Your new Girl Friday in the Vendée
LIVING, Small Business, Vendee News, aide-administratif-Vendee, aide-chambres-d-hote-Vendee, aide-maison-anglais-francais, aide-maison-vacances-Vendee, ali-goodgame-girl-friday, ali-goodgame-vendee, alison-goodgame-vendee, chores-services-vendee, cleaning-help-ali-goodgame, declutter-your-home-vendee, decluttering-service-vendee, filing-services-vendee, general-tasks-services-vendee, girl-friday, girl-friday-services, girl-friday-services-vendee, household-cleaning-vendee, odd-job-services-Vendee, preparing-rooms-for-guests-vendeestorage-organisation-vendee, small-business, small-business-france, storage-organisation-help-vendee, tâches-à-faire, Vendee-small-businessDo you have a list of chores that need doing but you just don't have the time, or are unable to do for health reasons? Ali's return to excellent customer service in the Vendée is wonderful news and we're delighted to help her announce...
Travel Trends 2022
Small Business, TOURISM & LEISURE, #GLT, are people traveling in 2022, destination travel, destination-vendee, gen-z, girls-love-travel, how-we-travel, how-we-travel-2022, long-haul travel, Millennial, modern-travel, multi-generational-travel, restaurant-marketing, sustainable-travel, train travel, Travel trends 2022, travel-france, travel-marketing, travel-marketing-Vendee, travel-trends, traveling in 2022, vendee-restaurant-bar-marketing, vendee-travel, wellness-travel, what is the most popular destination in 2022, where are people traveling in 2022In 2021, Covid-19 guided our travel behavior. This year's trends are a further enigma to the pandemic fall-out. The dominos continue to roll down the path of how the disease affects our lives. But they are taking a slightly different...
Vineyards and wine tasting in the Vendée
LIVING, TOURISM & LEISURE, brem-sur-mer, camper-van-holiday, cave-vendee, caves-vendee, chateau-de-la-preuille, Domaine-de-la-Barbiniere, fiefs-vendeen, producteurs-du-vin-vendee, producteurs-vendee, vacation-vendee, vin-fiefs-du-vendee, vineyards-pay-de-la-loire, vineyards-vendee, wine-pays-de-la-loire, wine-tasting-france, wine-tasting-vendee, winter-holiday-vendeeSince Roman times there have been attempts at growing grapes and making wine in the Vendée, but it wasn't until medieval times that the activity became successful. The monks of the many abbeys around here didn't only manage to turn the...
Spam phone calls in France? Here’s what you can do!
LIVING, Small Business, avoid cold calls, avoid spam calls in france, cold calling, cold phones in france, french test purchase, is Cold calling dead, report scams in france, report scams like SMS or cold calls in france, spam, spam in france, What is telephone acquisition?UPDATE: AT THE BEGINNING OF SEPTEMBER 2022 IT WAS ANNOUNCED THAT COLD CALLERS MUST NOW USE A 09 NUMBER TO CALL. IT WILL THEREFORE BECOME EASIER TO RECOGNIZE WHEN NOT TO ANSWER THE PHONE. [admin 09/09/2022] Do you have a business and...
Business opportunity!
expat-life, LIVING, Small Business, Books-stock-for-sale, business-for-sale, business-for-sale-Vendee, deux-sevres-business-for-sale, expat-life, expat-life-vendee, ladies-in-business-in-France, life-in-France, life-in-vendee, living-vendee, small-business, small-business-france, used-books-business-for-sale-france, used-books-English-vendee, used-books-vendee, vendee-expats, vendee-life, Vendee-living, Vendee-small-businessActual image of portion of our stockIf you are looking to set up a business in France, this could be the opportunity for you. Due to impending retirement we are selling our stock of 15,000+ second-hand books in English. The stock...
Château de la Preuille joins the Dakar Rally in 2021
expat-life, Small Business, Vendee News, car-rally, chateau-de-la-preuille, chateau-de-la-preuille-wine, dakar-rally-2021, inthevendee, le-dakar, le-dakar-rally, most-dangerous-car-rally-in-the-world, paris-dakar-rally, paul-las-van-bennekom, sandra-las-van-bennekom, sandra-paul-las-van-bennekom, vendee-business, vendee-business-in-le-dakar-2021, vendee-chatelain-joins-dakar-rally-in-saudi-arabia, what-is-the-dakar-rally, what-is-the-most-dangerous-car-rally-in-the-worldThe Dakar Rally, renowned for being the biggest and toughest off-road race in the world, will have one of our very own Vendéen châtelains among its participants in 2021. In just a few day's time, Paul Las van Bennekom of Château de la...
National holidays, Celebrations, and Cultural Events Calendar in France 2021
Integration, TOURISM & LEISURE, Vendee News, busiest-days-on-the-road-in-france, busy-traffic-days-calendar-france, calendar-france, celebration-days-france, cultural-heritage-days-france, european-heritage-days-france, France-national-holidays, french-national-holidays, holidays-france, national-holidays-france, printable-calendar-france, what-are-the-national-holidays-in-franceFrance counts many national holidays, wonderful cultural events organised nationwide, and just like any other country in the world celebrates mothersday, fathersday, grandparents etc. Summer months on French motorways are also quite...
Ready for the 3rd annual #bookdirect guest education day?
Hospitality, Small Business, #bookdirect, B&B-vendee, bed-and-breakfast-vendee, book-direct-day, bookings-vendee, camping-marketing, early-bookings-vendee, ebook-marketing, free-marketing-ebook, hospitality-business-tips-and-tricks, hotel-vendee, marketing-ebook-free, marketing-France, marketing-Vendee, small-business, small-business-websites, travel-marketing, travel-marketing-Vendee, Vendee-hospitality-business, vendee-tourism, vendee-travelThe first Wednesday in February is #BookDirect Guest Education Day, a worldwide campaign of solidarity for owners and managers of holiday rentals to work together towards a better balance between direct bookings and reservations...
Travel Trends 2020
Hospitality, Small Business, Vendee News, #GLT, ancestry-travel, gen-z, girls-love-travel, how-we-travel, how-we-travel-2020, Millennial, modern-travel, multi-generational-travel, naturism-travel, restaurant-marketing, sustainable-travel, travel-france, travel-marketing, travel-marketing-Vendee, travel-trends, travel-trends-2019, vendee-restaurant-bar-marketing, vendee-travel, wellness-travelGenerational shifts – A number of last year's travel trends have climbed right into the new decade but as trends go, they shape and mold to our ever-evolving sociological needs and issues. Social media has certainly managed to blast...
Photography Tips 3: how to prepare images for the Internet
Hospitality, Online Tools, Small Business, B&B, camping-marketing, ebook-marketing, english-business-france, english-language-business-vendee, ladies-in-business-in-France, marketing-ebook-free, marketing-France, marketing-Vendee, photography-social-media, photography-tips-tricks, restaurant-marketing, simple-photography-tips, small-business, small-business-france, small-business-photography, small-business-websites-france, social-media-tips, Vendée-blog, Vendee-entreprise, Vendee-hospitality-business, vendee-restaurant-bar-marketingFollowing our articles about Food Photography and Social Media photography this third and final photography tip focuses on how to optimize your images for the Web. While this tip is for the more advanced user, we encourage you to...
Why the Internet in your Maison Ancienne is slow, and what to do about it.
LIVING, Small Business, Technology in France, ancienne-maison, Broadband-France-la-campagne, french-countryside-internet-issues, Internet-countryside-France, Internet-France, internet-in-the-countryside, internet-service-France, slow-internet-in-franceInternet access has become more of an expectation and necessity than a privilege. The only thing worse than an Internet outage is sloooow access, even in tranquil, rural France. If your service is absent, you might go outside for a...
Tourism & hospitality in the Vendée: surviving the immediate future
BLOG, LIVING, Small Business, Vendee News, corona-virus-france, corona-virus-measures-france, corona-virus-protocols-vendee, coronavirus, covid-19, Covid-19-France, France-tourism, France-tourisme, french-government-measures-covid-19, future-travel-corona-virus, hospitality-sector-france, hotels-vendee, restaurants-vendee, small-business, small-business-france, surviving-covid-19, tourism-hospitality-france, tourism-hospitality-vendee, tourist-sector-france, Vendee-hospitality-business, vendee-tourism, vendee-tourisme, winter-gites-vendeeWe have been asked to share our thoughts about whether or not there will be tourism in the Vendée this season. To address this, means we feel it important to address tourism & hospitality in general, as that will inevitably affect...
SSL Recommendations for your small business website explained
Hospitality, Small Business, Technology in FranceAs a small business owner with a website advertising your goods, from products to services to the tourism industry, you might be aware of news reports indicating trends are evolving toward all sites being updated with an SSL...
Why your website matters more than ever
Hospitality, Small Business, Technology in FranceSo, here's a question: before the Internet, would you ever have considered starting a business without being listed in the Yellow Pages? Recently, during a business lunch with a group of fellow small business people, someone said to me...
Present your business with GOOD images! PART 1: food
Hospitality, Small Business, Technology in France, amateur-photography, english-business-france, english-language-services. english-language-services-france, food-photography, image-cropping, photography, photography-course-vendee, photography-France, product-photography, product-tent, simple-photography-tips, small-business, small-business-photography, small-business-websites, small-business-websites-france, technology-blog, Vendee-hospitality-businessImagery can cause an instant click in the web-user's mind. Time and time again. It explains why travel -and food photography has become so important online. Do you feel like that's not you? We don't want you to worry! There are simple...
A look at 2019 travel trends
Hospitality, Small Business, Vendee News, how-we-travel, how-we-travel-2019, modern-travel, restaurant-marketing, sustainable-travel, travel-france, travel-marketing, travel-marketing-Vendee, travel-trends, travel-trends-2019, vendee-restaurant-bar-marketing, vendee-travelThe higher purpose of social media – It was bound to happen that social media would become a goldmine for measuring travel statistics and especially trends. In addition to tourism statistics released annually by your local tourism...
Your business with Google explained
Hospitality, Small Business, Technology in France, auto-entrepreneur, bed-and-breakfast-vendee, business-facebook-page, business-representation-online, business-with-google, camping-marketing, entrepreneur-vendee, French-business, google, google-for-business, hotel-vendee, hotels-vendee, restaurant-marketing, restaurants-vendee, small-business, small-business-france, small-business-websites, small-business-websites-france, vendee-camping, vendee-english-bar-restaurant, vendee-restaurant-bar-marketing, Vendee-small-businessIf you're one of those small business proprietors who haven't figured why you and Google should be like two peas in a pod, you are not alone! AND this blog post is definitely for you. In our blog post Why your Website matters more than...
Photography tips part 2: Social Media
Hospitality, Online Tools, Small Business, B&B, camping-marketing, ebook-marketing, english-business-france, english-language-business-vendee, ladies-in-business-in-France, marketing-ebook-free, marketing-France, marketing-Vendee, photography-social-media, photography-tips-tricks, restaurant-marketing, simple-photography-tips, small-business, small-business-france, small-business-photography, small-business-websites-france, social-media-tips, Vendée-blog, Vendee-entreprise, Vendee-hospitality-business, vendee-restaurant-bar-marketingImagery can cause an instant click in the web-user's mind. There are simple things you can do to raise the visual impact of your business representation on social media. Following the steps of our basic tips and tricks will take your...
How to use our marketing ebook
Hospitality, Small Business, Technology in France, ebook-marketing, free-marketing-ebook, how-to, ladies-in-business-in-France, loire-business-network, marketing-ebook-free, marketing-France, marketing-Vendee, small-business, small-business-france, small-business-websites, technology-blog, technology-France, technology-Vendee, vendee-business-groupLet's keep this introduction very simple! We wrote our little ebook simply to provide information on the techniques you can apply to your Vendéen (or any) small business to gain more attention on social media and drive more traffic to...
The European GDPR affects your Small Business in the Vendée
Hospitality, Small Business, Technology in France, EU-GDPR, European-Union-privacy-laws, GDPR, Internet-France, internet-service-France, online-privacy, personal-data-protection, Privacy, small-business, small-business-websites, small-business-websites-franceThe LAST thing we want to do is to bore you with technology, but as the In the Vendée website is here to marry tourism in this beautiful area with your small business such as B&B, gites, campgrounds, restaurants, bars and any other...
Journées Régionales de la Visite d’Entreprise – Open Door Days Vendée
Integration, LIVING, Vendee News, events-pays-de-la-Loire, Journées-Régionales-de-la-Visite-dEntreprise, life-in-France, October-2019-Vendee-events, Open-doors-business-October-2019-Pays-de-la-Loire, Open-doors-business-October-2019-Vendee, small-business, small-business-france, Things-to-do-in-the-Vendée, visit-vendeeFor the fourth time since its inception, the public is offered a chance to go behind the scenes of small, medium and large companies spread throughout Pays de la Loire's departments, including our own beloved Vendée. From October 24th...