Your new Girl Friday in the Vendée
Do you have a list of chores that need doing but you just don't have the time, or are unable to do for health reasons? Ali's return to excellent customer service in the Vendée is wonderful news and we're delighted to help her announce her new business! We all need a little help sometimes...
Girl Friday help, that is!
Hi! I am Ali Goodgame. Many people in the Vendée may remember me as your friendly expat landlady from Bar Le Clemenceau in Mouilleron St. Germain.
Since we made the difficult decision to stop the bar in September 2019, I had an immersive experience working at the well-known local food processing business Fleury Michon. I enjoyed working with my French colleagues very much and the job gave me a routine and focus through the difficult lockdown period due to the pandemic.

While working there I realised just how much I have missed working with customers and helping people out where I could.
So, when my contract finished in May I decided to set myself up as a Girl Friday Service, someone who picks up general tasks for others who may need an extra pair of hands to tick things off their to-do list.
I will be offering my services to do the jobs you don’t enjoy doing, hereby freeing up your time to do things you love. I can help with tasks from household cleaning and chores, to preparing rooms before visitors or guests arrive, to storage organisation, filing, and other general tasks. This list is not exhausted by any means! In instances where it was a service I am unable to offer or I am already booked on the day services are needed, I will look for people who could offer what the customer needs.
I am recently officially registered (see siret number below) and will be taking all precautionary measures with regards to customer safety due to COVID-19 by disinfecting hands before arrival, wearing mask and gloves, having the windows open in rooms I am working in. I will be using the customer's own products or, if they wanted me to supply products, leave them at their property properly disinfected after use so they will not be moved from house to house.
If you have a task that you have been putting off or that you need some help with, please don’t hesitate to contact me to discuss your requirements.
See you soon!
Tel: 06 74 69 62 04
E-mail alisongoodgame@hotmail.com

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