How to Travel as an Introvert
Being seasoned introverts, your admins at inthevendee.com understand the joys of solo travel. When it comes to exploring the world, the idea of group travel can be quite uncomfortable for an introvert. But so are issues of safety, risk taking, the possibility of things going wrong and the idea that being alone in a crowd is not quite being introverted enough. As a result you might think that solo travel is impossible. But nothing is further from the truth. We can only encourage you to travel alone, no matter your age or where you live. To help you thrive on vacation, we have invited Regi Publico, a blogger, to write about how to travel as an introvert.
The common perception people have for introverts usually connote being unfriendly, antisocial, or lonely, which is not true for many. Compared to extroverts who draw energy from being around other people, introverts are the opposite and draw energy from spending time alone. This theory was popularized by Carl Jung in his book Psychological Types published in 1921, where he talks about how introverts are more driven by their inner voice and extroverts are drawn to external things.
Introverts may be better listeners than extroverts who are able to voice their thoughts out better and may have smaller circles of friends compared to extroverts, but either personality has its own merits and can shine in its own way. Introverts and extroverts fall on different ends of the personality spectrum and activity preference may vary for each type of person. Traveling, for instance, may involve more people for extroverts versus an introvert who may not be comfortable traveling with a group. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a first-timer, traveling for leisure or just to get away and refresh your thoughts, here are some tips for traveling as an introvert.
Know what type of trip you’re up for
Whether you’re traveling locally to internationally, staying within the city limits or exploring the countryside, or relaxing by the beach, or hiking in the woods, find out what type of trip you’ll be interested in and comfortable with, and start planning from there.
Plan ahead and do your research
Plan how you’re getting to your destination, where you intend to stay during your travel, how long you’re staying, and your trip back home. Depending on your preference or comfort for interaction with others, choosing what mode of transportation to take and where to stay can make or break your trip. If you’re up to being around people during your trip, you can opt to take long train rides or stay at a hostel, or if you prefer to limit your interaction, you can fly to your destination and book a b&b or a hotel room. Your comfort should be your priority.
Take risks you’re comfortable with
Traveling solo opens doors to new opportunities and experiences--your first flight alone, your first time trying certain food, or even your first time trying out an extreme activity. Some might even consider traveling solo a risk on its own and any experience that comes with it is a welcome bonus. You may end up striking up conversations with fellow travelers or some locals or maybe even joining a group tour, exploring a part of a city on your own, or if you’re staying for a longer period, volunteering for groups or organizations you may find around the area. Getting out of your comfort zone could open you up to new experiences not only when you travel, but can also open up new opportunities for you when you get back from your trips. There’s no pressure to do anything you’re not at ease with, but remember to keep your options open to whatever comes your way.
Remember Murphy’s Law
Murphy’s Law states that “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong,”. Not to be on the pessimistic side, but it’s best to be prepared for anything that can go awry during your trip. Have spare cash handy for unforeseen expenses you may encounter; a first aid kit and some medicine ready for minor injuries or for when you’re feeling under the weather; have backup activities ready for when plans get canceled due to bad weather, or extra clothes and resources for when your return trip is delayed or canceled for whatever reason. Compared to extroverts, introverts are more detail-oriented for tasks that involve planning and organization, so having a plan b or c ready should not be a problem.
Take advantage of technology
In today’s digital world, there’s an app for almost everything you can think of and that could come in handy especially while traveling. There are apps you can use to plan your trip, from searching for and booking flights for the best price like Hopper and Skyscanner, making reservations for accommodations and rental cars through Kayak or Airbnb, and planning the best routes to take if you’re driving with Roadtrippers; apps you can use to create itineraries and keep important documents organized like TripIt, convert currency like XE Currency Converter, or even help you pack accordingly for your trip like PackPoint; and apps you can use as you get to your destination to serve as guides like Triposo and Tripadvisor, help you translate and navigate like Google Translate and TripLingo, or look for restaurants like Happy Cow and Yelp. These apps can be helpful especially for shy introverts who may prefer to look things up themselves before asking others for assistance.
Set aside time to recharge your batteries
Besides literally charging your device’s batteries, take time to charge your batteries as an introvert. You may have gone out of your comfort zone for a trip and exposed yourself to more socialization than you’re used to, perhaps even with people you’ve just met, and since introverts draw energy from spending time alone, set aside time for yourself when you travel. You can take more time to savor your coffee or tea with breakfast, spend time reading or listening to music, soak in a bath, or visit parks and cafes to tune in to yourself. Aside from taking care of your mental well-being as an introvert, remember to eat healthy and keep hydrated while traveling so you look and feel good while traveling.
Traveling is a great way to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and take a break from everyday life, not only for introverts but for extroverts as well. Not everyone may have the same travel preferences, but being able to respect these differences may lead to an appreciation of different personalities and maybe even better trips in the future.
Blog post submitted to inthevendee.com by Regi Publico
About The Author:
Regi Publico is a full-time writer, and an artist for fun. She takes pride in her towering collection of books and loves reading about anything under the sun. She is passionate about sharing her knowledge through every article that she writes.
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