Butternut pumpkin soup
The sweetness of autumn
I do love autumn, don't you? When the leaves on the trees have turned their darkest green and there is a little sensation of coolness on the morning breeze and the air smells just a little more earthy you know it's time. Time to run a hand over a woolen jumper, time for boots, time for a cozy fire. Time for different pops of color for different flavors in the kitchen. Time to fall in love with a new season!
Let's head to my kitchen for the king of color ... Butternut Pumpkin or Butternut Squash soup!
Ingredients and preparation - Butternut Pumpkin Soup
For 4- 8 people (I cook leftovers or prep a next batch for the freezer)
- 1 large butternut - cubed (set half aside)
- 1 large onions - roughly chopped (frozen also works)
- 3 cloves of garlic (or as you wish) - minced
- 4 celery stalks with leaves (set half aside) - chopped
- 1 very large or 2 medium+ carrots (equal amount from the freezer is also good)
- 2 small to medium pears - peeled and chopped (plus 2 peeled and halved to blanch later) - the pears don't have to be too ripe
- 2 tablespoons of butter
- freshly cracked pepper
- salt only when needed
- 1 or 2 bay leaves (1 large, 2 smaller)
- 1 tsp celery powder
- 1/2 tsp garlic powder
- 1 to 1.5 teaspoons dry thyme (use fresh if you have it on hand, no problem)
- 1/2 tsp cumin
- 2 to 3 vegetable bouillon cubes
- Fresh parsley chopped (use dried herbs in a pinch)
- Optional: 1 potato, peeled and cubed to help the soup thicken on its own
- Heat butter to sizzling
- Add half of the cubed butternut
- Season with black pepper
- Sautee until edges are golden - or as you wish
- Add the onions
- Add celery
- Add pears
- Add carrots
- Stir and sautee for 15 minutes, stirring
- Stir in the garlic for about 2 or 3 minutes (do not give the garlic a chance to burn or it will be ruined)
- Season with pepper
- Top with water to an inch over the rim of the veggies
- Add bouillon cubes
- Add bay leaf and all dried herbs (except for parsley)
- Let the soup simmer until all vegetables are tender
- Taste broth for flavor, add any herbs or pepper necessary - if you did, simmer another few minutes
- Remove thyme if fresh thyme was used
- Remove bay leaf
Two methods for mincing
- Use a potato masher to mash the veg, creating a 3/4 minced soup or as desired.
- For a smooth silky soup, use a staff mixes or blender. For this option you definitely want to use the potato
- Prepare the next portion of soup:
- the other half of the cubed pumpkin
- 2 celery stalks chopped
- blanch 2 pears, halved, in water for a couple of minutes
- drain and set aside to cool
- add all of this to a freezer bag and freeze
The next time I was in the mood for butternut squash soup, I just grabbed the bag I'd already prepped from the freezer, threw in some frozen onions and carrots and made it a smooth soup.
Topping options
- Top with toasted pumpkin seeds and a little swirl of olive oil
- or can also give it a swirl of cream and a dash of cayenne pepper.
- or toast some old bread, cubed, fry in butter for home made crunchies
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