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2021 Journées du Patrimoine Vendée: list of things to see

Welcome to the European Heritage days of 2020! The 3rd weekend of September ranks among the best weekends of the year for us! We challenge ourselves with a spring around our lovely Département du Vendée for the opportunity to visit well-known historical locations and monuments as well as sites that are rarely open to the public, for free or at a reduced rate. Join us for a list of options this year.Historically, how did the Journées Européennes du Patrimoine or European Heritage days begin? The French Ministry of Culture began the event  La Journée Portes Ouvertes in 1984. In the following year, at the 2nd European Conference of Ministers responsible for Architectural Heritage, the French Minister of Culture proposed that the project be internationalised under the European council. The Netherlands joined with their own Open Monumentendag in 1987, followed by Sweden and Ireland in 1989, and Belgium and Scotland in 1990. In 1991 the …

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Journées Européennes du Patrimoine 2021 in the Vendée: exceptional openings!

The European Heritage Days are the most renowned cultural event in which European citizens participate together. Launched in 1985 in France, the Programme has been a joint initiative of the Council of Europe and the European Union since 1999. Make the most of the EUROPEAN HERITAGE DAYS on 18th and 19th SEPTEMBER. This year’s theme is HERITAGE FOR ALL. In this article we highlight interesting locations that are open exceptionally for the occasion, or uniquely provided with a guided tour. What are the Journées Européennes du Patrimoine or European Heritage days? – Created by the Ministry of Culture in 1984, national museums and historic monuments are opened to the public for free or at a reduced rate on the third weekend of September every year. All weekend long, well-organized guided tours, animated demonstrations of old techniques, concerts, theatrical performances, and more, shed a special light on French heritage. Route Planning and Preparation – …